First Name
Last Name
Preferred email address for contacting you
Preferred phone number for contacting you (e.g. sickness, cancellations, internet issues)
Language that you wish to study
How would you interpret your current level?
Tick a maximum of three options that best match your level
Complete beginner
I know a few phrases
I used to study this language but I'm a bit rusty
I can have a basic conversation but putting sentences together can be tricky
I can understand more than I can say
I struggle with the listening because they speak so fast
I find the grammar rules confusing and difficult to remember
I have been studying for some time, but I feel like I have hit a plateau
I have been learning for some time and I would like to learn more intricate details of the language
If you answered other or wish to add any further comments regarding your current level, please do so here
How much time per week will you dedicate to learning this language (outside of the lesson)?
There is no wrong answer so be honest! If you have no additional time, let me know so that I can do my best to tailor the content we will cover together.
0-1 hours
1-2 hours
3+ hours
What are you most looking forward to with taking language lessons?
Tick more than one if you wish
Having a conversation
Learning a new skill
Understanding more of my surroundings when I go abroad
Learning about the culture
Progressing at work
Feeling more comfortable in social situations where this language is spoken
What is your biggest worry about studying this language?
Tick more than one if you wish.
I won't be good at it
I won't be able to remember everything!
The dreaded grammar... please, anything but grammar!
Looking or sounding silly
None of these, I can't wait to get started!
Imagine you are going to follow a recipe that you have never used before in order to make a cake. Which of the following do you think would help you best? Would you prefer to:
Look at step-by-step pictures of somebody making the cake or read the step-by-step recipe in a recipe book
Listen to a chef explain the process step-by-step
Be in the kitchen with someone else, observe what they do (or watch a YouTube tutorial) and then have a go yourself
What type of corrections would you like to receive?
Tick a maximum of three options that best match your wishes
None, just let me flow! I am already aware of many of my mistakes and I just need to practice my skills with someone
Correct me when the person reading or listening would not understand, or the mistake could cause confusion
Correct my written work, so that I can reflect on it later
Correct my speaking, when I have finished speaking
Correct my speaking as and when I make the mistake
Only correct mistakes that are relevant to the exercise/ lesson we are learning about
Correct everything please, this is how I learn best.
Would you like to be given homework after each lesson?
Yes, I'm looking to progress as fast as possible
Yes, something small that reflects on the lesson or prepares me for the next one
No, I have other ways of practicing outside of the lessons
Which of these statements are true for you?
Tick a maximum of three options that best match your learning style.
These could be things that are true for you in general, not just with learning a language.
I enjoy reading
I find it useful to complete exercises in a textbook
I learn best from videos
I like making my own notes
Songs help me to remember things
I like learning in context (e.g. restaurant vocabulary > role play a restaurant)
I listen to podcasts
I find flashcards useful
I use apps for learning
I find it easy to stay motivated
There's nothing worse for me than having to sit with a textbook or a vocabulary list; give me something interactive!
Please ask any other questions that you have
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